Every artist has two things they NEVER want to hear:

1) “I can barely draw a stick figure!” and

2) “Could you pretty please make some art for me…for free?”

While I won’t make anything specific as a request (unless you commission me!), I do think that art should be accessible, as well as art-making resources. I’m going to try to have this space available for public domain photo packs, scanned digital materials, and a handful of my own illustrations.

Just a reminder, public domain means that anything you download from this portion of my site is COMPLETELY FREE TO USE. This means you can use the digital assets as ads, printables, art reference, or whatever you like. You can also redistribute (post, forward, share, etc.) with whomever.

Best of all, no credit is required...but it is always appreciated!

Scroll down to see whats available for download or get a look at my NFT and AI art policies.


This past year or so, I have had several people ask me if I planned on making NFT’s or if I could be hired to create a collection for someone else. It is actually these conversations that spurred me to create my free art collection above.

There are many problems with NFT’s, which you can read on your own time, but I am not currently interested in making NFT’s for myself or anyone else, nor do I think that will change.

While it’s true that you can use my public domain downloads for NFT’s if you really wanted to, all other images of mine not relegated to this webpage are protected by copyright. Furthermore, all clients who commission me will be informed that I will not agree to a commission if they intend to use the image for such purposes.

Alongside NFT’s, artists online have had to face yet another challenge: AI art machines.

If you are unfamiliar with AI art, these AI machines don’t actually make new images; instead, the machines “learn” art styles by sampling existing work done by artists. The machine can create something in minutes that would take a human artist precious hours. To put it simply, it is nothing but advanced mimicry.

While some people (non-artists) may think of this as a good thing, this concept refuses to acknowledge the time, effort, money–and most of all–care that an artist puts into their craft. The fact that this means less art is being commissioned by real artists is salt in the wound: it takes money right from the artist’s pocket!

While it’s true that you can use my public domain downloads for AI sampling if you really wanted to, I made these assets public domain for a reason. I want other artists to enjoy these resources for themselves, by either furthering their own art skills or just having some fun. In an age where there is constant pressure to create “content” for monetization, I feel it is important to have art that anyone can use and enjoy.

If you’ve made it this far, thank you for reading! It means a lot to me that you would take the time to see how an artist like myself feels about these issues.

Now that you’re done, feel free to scroll back up for some free downloads, or consider making some work of your own for the public domain :)

Happy creating!