Watercolor Mandala Lesson for 5th and 6th grade (video and lesson plan)

A lot of times, we can become really focused on being “good” or being “the best.” As artists, a lot of us put our skills and our worth on how well we create art, or how quickly we are constantly making new art. If what we make isn’t as pretty as someone else’s, it is easy to become discouraged. A lot of young artists quit because of this, and since they’re nearing middle school/jr. high, 6th grade is a time where a lot of students decide whether they’re “talented” enough to keep pursuing art or not.

This lesson focuses on the process over the product. It is a great reminder to slow down and enjoy making things, instead of worrying about what the art will look like at the finish line. Mandalas have been used across the world as a means of meditation, and many find the creation to be very soothing. In this lesson, students will learn about different cultures as well as color schemes. All of the details of my lesson can be found here, along with my instructional video below.

Being in school when the pandemic hit was such an eye-opener as an educator. Seeing some professors thrive going remote while others completely floundered really inspired me to hone my videography skills. I’m really proud of how far I’ve come in the past year and a half, and this educational video marks my first of many more to come! I’m planning more and more art tutorials and lessons this upcoming summer–I want to be a resource for students as well as other art educators. In order to see this video and more, click on this link to see my YouTube channel. Thanks!


Brown bear, brown bear: Kindergarten painting lesson


5th and 6th Grade Watercolor Tecniques