One-day Weaving Lesson

Do we see how our emotions are complex? We can have a good day with bad parts, or a bad day and still have good parts. Things aren’t always clear-cut, and the way we feel can be as complicated as our woven looms, but as a whole, we are still one complete person.

Sometimes, our emotions can be messy. It can be hard to put a name to how we feel, or why we feel that way. This one-day lesson is great for when students just need a break from the day-to-day, or if the sub needs a break as well! ;)

This lesson has the students write out or draw out their feelings that day, rip the paper apart, and then weave the pieces back together.

In this lesson, we’ll ask the questions:

  • How did this project make you feel?

  • Do you feel differently now than you did at the beginning of class?

  • When looking around the classroom, do you see the colors of your classmates’ weaves? Are they similar or different to yours? Do you think that even though your life is different and your experiences are unique compared to someone else’s, you can still experience similar emotions?

The full lesson plan can be found right here.


Value: Light and Shadow


Brown bear, brown bear: Kindergarten painting lesson